Release Notes, July 23rd, 2024

Below you will find our latest bug fixes as well as knowledge base updates. Friendly reminder to log out and reset your cache when you see release notes! This can only help to make sure everything released goes through.

Enhancements & Quality of Life Improvements

Alert on Check-in- This is a new feature that adds a customer note that alerts front desk staff when a member or client has not checked in to the facility in the designated amount of time of their choice. The new feature will make it easy for your staff to know when a customer has not been to your facility in a while. This is a great way to identify when a customer needs to go through orientation again or if they need to be updated on new facility rules or safety guidelines.

In addition to the alert, we have added the first check-in and last check-in to the customer profile header. This will bolster the tools for your team to effectively identify check-in data of your customers. 

Review our Alert on Check-in knowledge base article for an in-depth overview of the feature.

AlertonCheckin-Customer Profile Note

AlertonCheckin-Checkin Note 2

Bug Fixes 🐞

Store Credit Applying before Card in Split Transactions- What does that mean? Well when a transaction would occur that should have store credit applied, if that same transaction failed, a bug kicked in. This bug would deplete the store credit, then that credit would no be there when the bill was attempted the second time around. This has been fixed. 

 Enabling Points Resets Portal Settings- There was an oversight with our points enhancement that created a bug. When you enabled points, it would reset all of the other points settings. You are good to go again on enabling points!

Hold Fee Email Sent When Automated Emails Are Off- It is all in the title. Even though automated emails were turned off for some, hold fee emails were still sending. This same bug was not allowing emails to be sent manually. These woes are a thing of the past!

Booking Generator Inconsistently uses UTC and Local Time Zone- If creating an event on a calendar for a different location, this was causing problems. The timezone was based off the location you had selected not the location that calendar was for. So now, regardless if you are creating an event for a calendar for a different location, if you don't have that location selected, it will look at the location the calendar should be in instead of looking at whatever current location is selected. This bug fix should make calendar event creation way more simple in regards to timing with multiple locations.